各位师兄弟,朋友们,和嘉宾。四年前有人告诉我“Olda,你太严肃了”。 但是对我来说严肃时就是我认真的时候。所以我对我自己很满意因为我从头到尾都很认真。我会一直朝我的方向与目标前进。
Dear sisters and brothers, friends … everybody present,
4 years ago somebody told me : ,, you are too genuine „ Recently somebody told me: ,, you are too serious. Dears, there is no too serious. For me serious means focused. You are or you are not focused – serious. So I am happy that I stayed serious – focused from the beginning to the end. I hope I will stay on my path as long as I feel that it is the right one.
I thank Master for the opportunity to be here. He created this place and this program and made it happen. I thank my brothers and sisters from my class, also those who are not in the program anymore, for their help whenever some hard times came. Thank you also to many others who supported me many ways.
I have much more to say,, but we dont have time.
Have a nice morning