我可以說很多關於我在武當的這七年時間,但是我想沒有人會願意聽我把全部的經歷說完. 從第一年開始師父就像我的父親一樣,武館就像我的家一樣. 這幾年時間裡我吸取了很多的教訓, 影響我最深刻的是我通過了種種的困難. 就像師父教導我一樣: 接受別人是很困難的,但是要接受自己的錯誤更難.
在師父的引導下,這7年我感覺我的生活變得越來越豐富,這讓我感覺我自己是幸運的,還有就是在這裡遇到那麼多美妙的人,大姨媽,二姨媽,三姨媽,四姨媽,建子還有劉金金- 我很感謝你們. 小雨,建橋,文博-很高興在這幾年能看這你們成長. 還有師娘- 我想要感謝你,你就像我的母親一樣照顧我,謝謝你. 最後還有三班的師兄弟們, 雖然我們再過幾天就要分離了, 但我想說這7年並不容易,我們一起經歷了很多困難,也很多美好時光, 我們這種關係是很可貴的, 我愛你們!!
最後我要再次感謝師父, 我會永遠記得你對我的教導, 我希望在未來的路上我可以讓您感到更自豪. 我在过去犯了很多的错误,有些严重点让您刚到很失望,我真心的感谢您对我的耐心与宽容。我對未來的路有很清楚的目標,因為師父領進門,修行靠個人. 沒有任言語能代表我對您的感恩, 但我希望我的努力可以讓您理解我對您的尊重. 【祝香神咒】上说的道由心学,在未来的路上我会继续的精修,然后帮助需要帮助的人。
There is so much that I could say about my time here in Wudang – but I am sure no one wants to listen to me blather on for 3 days, so I’ll try to keep it short. Since my first year here Shifu has been like a father to meand the school has become a home to me. There are so many things I have learned over the years, some of them came easily, but the most profound lessons came from enduring hardships. One of the hardest and yet most valuable lessons I have learned here is acceptance. Acceptance of others can be difficult, but acceptance of oneself is one of the hardest things in life to do.
Over the past 7 years, I have been fortunate to learn so much from Shifu and to have his guidance. I have also been fortunate to have so many wonderful people in my life. Da Yi Ma, Er Yi Ma, San Yi Ma, Si Yi Ma – you’re the best. Xiao Yu, Jian Qiao, and Wen Bo: I have been so fortunate to see the three of you grow – you’re all beautiful and have such amazing futures ahead of you. And to my Shiniang… who welcomed me so warmly to her family as my second mother – thank you. To all of my brothers in san ban – although we are soon to be separated by great distance, you are always my family. I love you all. We have endured so much together and shared many great times. This time has brought us together in a way that few can ever understand – remember that bond.
And to my Shifu, your patience with me and the guidance that you have provided is something that I will be eternally grateful for. I hope that in my future I can continue to make you proud. I know that I have made mistakes, some larger than others – and I thank you for you unconditional love and your patience with me. Because of your guidance and the great challenges you presented me with and taught me to weather, I now have my path – one that I feel I am finally prepared to walk on my own. I have no words that can ever express the gratitude and love that I have for you. I hope that you accept my devotion to our practice as an image of that appreciation and love. As it says in the 【祝香神咒】道由心学, I will continue to do my best to cultivate Dao and use the lessons and practices that I have learned to help others.